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IXI s.r.l. was established in 1996 in Milan, Italy, as the main office for the overseas operations of IXI's Tokyo office and as a promotion and coordination studio.

Since then, IXI s.r.l. has been providing global design and coordination services

together with the Tokyo office for more than 20 years.

We actively support the activities of companies considering entering

the European market and provide planning and production support for various events.

In the field of tourism, we are involved in promotional activities on the Italian market for several Japanese local governments, including representative activities for Tokyo Tourism.

Via Pinamonte da Vimercate 6, 20121 Milano, Italy
Tel: +39-02-8950-3021   Fax: +39-02-7396-0416


Service contents

Scope of our services

● Coordination Services
・Press receptions
・PR activities, advertisment
・Coordination of press tours and familiarization trips

・Arranging trips to Italy for market researches

● Rep office activities
・Brand PR activities
・Promotional activities aimed at media and travel industry
・Implementation of seminars
・Exhibiting at travel expos, etc.


Milan design week[ location, coordination, construction, operations, etc. ]
  Toshiba | AGC | CITIZEN | DNP| Union | NITTO | Japan Creative

● Gunma Prefecture×ADK ARTS project [ coordination, management, other arrangements ]

  EXPO MILANO, press receptions, workshops | Food seminars with Michelin-Star chefs and menu development | Exhibit at Identità Golose, etc.

● Syoku-no-wa  project by four chefs [ coordination, management ]

● SAKENOMY, a sake project led by Hidetoshi Nakata [ coordination, management ]

● MICAM Japan booth, METI [ coordination, management, various arrangements ]

● Leather industry association MIPEL Japan booth [ coordination, management, various arrangements ]

● Tokyo Tourism Representative, Italy Office

● MAFF Japanese food promotion project[ conducting food seminars & press conferences for Michelin chefs ]

● Research survey for MAFF


● Hasegawa Saketen event

  [ Aperitivo event held at a restaurant in Milan to introduce Japanese sake ]

● Japan Sake Brewers Association event [EXPO MILANO]

● Donq [operational support, coordination booth set-up and operations at the "re panettone" exhibition held in Milan ]

● Obama City event [workshops were held to promote the city's proactive approach to food education at EXPO MILANO].

● Nagasaki Prefecture Exhibition [Exhibition toured the Vatican City, the Palazzo della Cancelleria and Paris. The project to register Nagasaki and the Amakusa region as a cultural heritage site related to the latent Christians].
● Hokkaido Promotion

● Tohoku Tourism Promotion

● OISHII GUNMA project
 [ Menu development with Michelin-Star chefs, event management support and coordination, creation of PR tools, etc.]  

                                                                    and more

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